Wintec WBT-100 (ピクシス100)前編
少しレポートが(筆者の身内に不幸があったために)遅れてしまったのだが、今月初めにパソコンGPSショップ「SPA」へ注文してあった、Bluetooth GPS受信機兼GPSデータ・ロガー「ピクシス100」こと、台湾Wintec社製「WBT-100」が筆者の手元に届いた。既に入手していた、同じくGPSデータ・ロガーの「 コメットDL/3」(台湾GlobalSat社製DG-100)と、比較しながらテストを行っている最中だったのだが、身内の不幸がありテストやレポートが中断してしまっていた。
ピクシス100こと、台湾Wintec社製のWBT-100は、非常に小型のBluetooth GPS受信機なのだが、残念ながらBluetooth機能に関しては、日本での技術適合認定(技適)を受けていないため、TELEC認定番号の取得がなされておらず、日本国内でBluetooth機能をオンにして使用することは出来ない。WBT-100のBluetooth機能を国内で使用した場合は、電波法違反となってしまうので、注意する必要がある。
ピクシス100ことWBT-100のBluetoothが、技適を取得していれば、筆者のGPS対応Bluetooth+無線LAN内蔵デジタルカメラ、リコーの「Caplio 500SE model W」と接続して、方位が撮影画像に記録されるかどうかをテストしてみたいところだが、残念ながら現時点では違法となってしまうので、行えていない。海外へ出張した際には是非試してみたいと思っているのだが、願わくばピクシス100ことWBT-100で、技適認定を取得して欲しいところだ。
実際に両者を比べての比較テストも行ってみる予定なのだが、感度という側面では高感度GPS受信エンジンの代名詞ともなった感がある、SiRF Star IIIを搭載し、比較的大型のセラミック・パッチ型GPSアンテナを搭載しているコメットDL/3ことDG-100の方が高感度だ。しかし、ピクシス100ことWBT-100も十分な感度を持っており、初期測位の速度が若干遅いのだが、一端測位を開始してしまえば、ねばり強く測位を続けてくれ、室内での測位も行える程だ。
ちなみに、ピクシス100ことWBT-100に搭載されているGPSエンジンは、「u-Nav + iTrax」の3rd Generationバージョンである。
■ そのまま内税】電子コンパス付きGPSセンサー ピクシス100 (USBインターフェース)【特別販売価格:14,800円(税込)送料込】代引き無料
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投稿: 泉式 | 2007年4月24日 19:36
先日評価した際のGoogle Earthで表示したレポートを掲載しましたので、参考にされてください。
投稿: 清水 隆夫 | 2007年4月27日 13:57
Dear Shimizu-san:
Thank you for very nice reviews. I am interested in using the Ricoh 500SE camera with Wintec WBT-100 for surveying in disaster areas.
I have been surfing internet for 30 hrs+ to find how the Ricoh 500SE records direction from the electronic compass of a GPS receiver but it is not very clear to me. The Wintec WBT-100 seems to be the only Bluetooth GPS model that can stream $HCHDG from the compass. I have a few questions:
1) Does the Ricoh 500SE camera record a camera direction using the $HCHDG? Since you have both Wintec WBT100 and Ricoh 500SE, I hope you can test it. You tested Ricoh Pro G3 with Garmin Vista once. The camera doesn't know $HCHDG. I hope that this model does.
2) If I use Garmin Etrek Vista with a bluetooth adapter with the Ricoh 500SE, do you think it would work?
Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Anat Ruangrassamee
投稿: Anat Ruangrassamee | 2007年6月19日 08:59
Dear Anat - san,
Thank you for praising my report.
I reply to your question.
1) Caplio 500SE is supporting the HDG sentence.
Therefore, the electronic compass information which WBT-100 have is recordable on Exif.
Furthermore, a direction can be expressed on a display as real time.
Though regrettable, the Bluetooth function of WBT-100 cannot be used in Japan.
WBT-100 are because authorization of Wireless Telegraph Law of Japan is not acquired.
Although WBT-100 have received authorization of FCC and CE, they have not received authorization of TELEC.
I went to Taiwan two weeks ago. Caplio 500SE and WBT-100 were tested on that occasion.
I will carry a report in a few days.
2) I think that a Bluetooth adapter connectable with GARMIN-Vista can use.
However, the power supply of an adapter is required. The biggest problem is the price of an adapter.
The Bluetooth adapter for RS-232C is very expensive in Japan.
In Japan, the prices of an adapter are twice the prices of WBT-100.
投稿: Takao Shimizu | 2007年6月20日 09:09
Dear Shimizu-san
Thank you very much for your help. Based on your suggestion, I can confidently buy the Wintec WBT-100.
Many thanks,
投稿: Anat Ruangrassamee | 2007年6月20日 10:26
Dear Ant - san,
One more problem ...
It will be necessary to make an adapter yourself to fix WBT-100 to Caplio 500SE.
Incidentally, I was fixed to Caplio 500SE on the adhesion tape at the time of use in Taipei. ;-)
Your success is prayed.
投稿: Takao Shimizu | 2007年6月20日 11:53
Dear Taka-san
I just bought the Wintec 100 :) Now I need to wait for the 500SE to arrive.
BTW, these would be economical GPS-Bluetooth adapter solutions: (no longer available)
Sorry, I have a few more questions:
1) In the 500SE camera, I learn that we can lock the GPS location when moving the camera around. I wonder if the compass direction is also locked. This feature is very useful when we want to tilt the camera because the electronic compass functions properly only when lied horizontally. So, we lock the position and direction first before tilting the camera.
2) Do you know if the new Garmin model (for example GPSmap 60CSx) also send the $HCHDG sentence?
Thank you,
投稿: Anat Ruangrassamee | 2007年6月21日 08:34
Dear Anat - san,
It is pleasure also for me that Caplio 500SE reaches your hand early.
>BTW, these would be economical GPS-Bluetooth adapter solutions:
I know these adapters.
However, the use in Japan of these adapters is a crime by Wireless Telegraph Law of Japan.
Therefore, I cannot use these. I am regretful.
>1) In the 500SE camera, I learn that we can lock the GPS location when moving the camera around. I wonder if the compass direction is also locked. This feature is very useful when we want to tilt the camera because the electronic compass functions properly only when lied horizontally. So, we lock the position and direction first before tilting the camera.
The electronic compass of WBT-100 functions quickly in the level state.
However, acquisition of a direction may not be performed if it inclines just over or below 45 degrees.
Therefore, when deciding a direction, a level state is maintained, and it will end with some errors, even if it inclines at the time of photography.
>2) Do you know if the new Garmin model (for example GPSmap 60CSx) also send the $HCHDG sentence?
robably, the new style model of GARMIN is also supporting the HDG sentence.
However, connection with Caplio 500SE or Pro G3 is difficult by adoption of a USB interface.
投稿: Takao Shimizu | 2007年6月21日 23:48
Thank you. It is clear for me.
投稿: Anat | 2007年6月22日 07:59
Thank you for all of your comments. My project is finally materialized. I did a short review with some photos:
Many thanks,
投稿: Anat | 2007年7月 8日 11:40
Dear Khun Anat,
Sawasdee khrap.
I read your review report.
However, I cannot understand some Thai characters.
But, I can understand the contents of your report.
Please share the information on Caplio 500SE with me from now on.
I was working three years ago in Bangkok.
Bangkok thinks very much that it is nostalgic. And I like the Kingdom of Thailand.
When I visit Bangkok again, it wishes dressing with you.
ขอบคุณ ครับ
投稿: ทะกะ | 2007年7月 9日 18:40
Sawasdee khrap Taka
The 500SE is really a capable camera. I would keep me busy for a while :) Let me know when you come to Thailand. I lived in Japan for many years :)
投稿: Anat | 2007年7月10日 08:46
สวัสดี ครับ Khun Anat,
>The 500SE is really a capable camera.
>I would keep me busy for a while :)
I am also agreement.
Wireless LAN is also high efficiency. Please enjoy yourself.
>Let me know when you come to Thailand.
Thank you, when I return to Bangkok again, it connects.
>I lived in Japan for many years :)
Please contact me, when you visit Japan shortly.
ขอบคุณ ครับ
投稿: ทะกะ | 2007年7月11日 00:39
Dear Anat - san,
I have a Ricoh Caplio 500SE and a Haicom 406BT-C GPS receiver with digital compass.
My problem is that even though the GPS receiver seems to have a digital compass, no NMEA HCHDG sentence is transmitted, thus I can't record the direction in the photos.
It seems that the Wintec WBT-100 streams this info. From what I understand by viewing the photos (I don't know Thai!) in your review report, you managed to transmit the HCHDG sentence from the WBT-100 to the camera through your PocketPC.
My question is: Can this be done without a PocketPC, using just the WBT-100 and the camera? I am asking because I really need to record direction information in the photos and my camera seems to be capable of this usage. I don't have a PocketPC but I'm willing to buy a GPS receiver capable of transmitting compass information to the camera.
Many thanks,
Mike Foukarakis.
投稿: Mike Foukarakis | 2007年7月27日 20:44
Dear Mike
I also replied your email :) The Haicom GPSr cannot transmit the HCHDG sentence because the digital compass is a stand-alone feature. The Wintec WBT100 can transmit the compass sentence together with other NMEA sentences.
> My question is: Can this be done without a PocketPC, using just the
WBT-100 and the camera?
YES. You need just the camera and the Wintec WBT100 to have the coordinate and direction embedded in your photos. You don't need a PocketPC.
What I explain about the PocketPC is just my approach to bundle the HCHDG sentence from the Wintec GPSr with a simulated position using GPSgate. It is needed when I want to take photos indoor where there is no satellite signal.
I found that the hot shoe bubble level was good as an adapter for attaching the Wintec to the camera. It is widely available in ebay. FYI, the lens front size is 37 mm for a protection filter or a cap.
投稿: Anat | 2007年7月27日 22:25
Dear Mike - san,
WBT-100 became a production end.
If circulation stock is lost, it will become impossible for you to purchase.
If you buy it, your earlier one will be good.
Up to your reference.
投稿: Takao Shimizu | 2007年7月27日 23:15
Dear All,
I ordered the unit and arrived just yesterday. Works like a charm. It's a pity no more are being made.
Thanks for all the info,
投稿: Mike Foukarakis | 2007年8月 7日 16:12